400D Campaign Update!
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MORE COLOR FILM: Introducing CineStill 400Dynamic
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CineStill is announcing the introduction of 400Dynamic, a 400 ISO daylight-balanced color film available to photographers for the first time ever. 400D will initially be made available in both 35mm and 120 medium format in limited supply — with plans for large scale production and 4x5 large format
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The VALOI 360 Camera Scanning System — Now Available in North America
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We are pleased to announce that the Valoi 360 Camera scanning system is now available in North America through
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Heeere's REDRUM — our new limited release red scale film for medium format
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CineStill REDRUM 120 is a unique color negative film that has been reverse-rolled for exposing through the base of the film, rather than directly to the emulsion.
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A Brand New Classic: CineStill BwXX 120 — Now in Medium Format!
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CineStill is proud to release this coveted classic cinema film emulsion — which has historically been reserved only for cinematographers since 1959 — in true 120 format for the first time. This compliments our previous release of BwXX in 35mm format, making both formats now available to photographers around the world looking for a versatile and beautiful black and white film stock.
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Covid Update - CineStill Film Shelf-Life & Expiration Notice
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“Due to covid related supply chain interruptions, some fresh films entering the market will have over one year expiration dates and some will be under one year until expiration. In order to maintain constant supply availability, we needed to be flexible and remind photographers that CineStill film should be sold and used promptly for best results under any circumstance. CineStill films are still considered “fresh” 6 months prior to expiration.
“All CineStill films are tested for longevity and the expiration dates are set for best performance for each batch number. We recommend that photographers shoot within our film within 6 months of purchase and process promptly! Any film that has at least 6 months left before expiration when purchased is not short dated, and any film purchased retail more than 6 months before the expiration date should still be processed within 6 months fo optimal results.
“Thank you all for continuing to support film through these trying times and for understanding when stock is limited. We look forward to continuing to support the worldwide film community and growing with you all.
“Vive la analogue renaissance!”
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Introducing: Cs2 “Cine Simplified” ECN 2-Bath Kit, for Low-Contrast Motion Picture Color Negatives
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After years of research and development, we’re are proud to release our reinterpretation of classic cinematic chemistry, the CineStill way. Following the lead of our other chemistry offerings, simplicity is key. As with Cs41 “Color Simplified” 2-Bath kit, the Df96 Monobath Single-Step solution, and the Cs6 “Creative Slide” 3-Bath process, we are making at-home processing modernized, simplified, and safe.
Introducing the CineStill Cs2 “Cine Simplified” ECN 2-Bath Kit. Low contrast, cinema style processing for all color film. A complete, easy-to-use, 2-bath process for photographers, which produces low-contrast color negatives synonymous with the motion picture workflow. A safe and foolproof process, without all of the troublesome byproducts of the original industrial method.
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JOBO Expansion Packs! Increase your Analog Processing Power!
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For those of you who already have a Jobo tank, we built 3 expansion packs, all featuring the Jobo 1530 tank extender, paired with a different chemistry option to upgrade your processing game at an unbeatable price!