
48 Hours to Go for Large Format 4x5 Sheet Film!

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CineStill 120 is now not only possible... It is inevitable! If you have not yet been over to the new project on IndieGoGo, head over there now. We are already 110% funded, beyond our first goal and will be producing CineStill in 120 for the masses! Support the cause and be among the first to get yours!
But that's old news now... The next big thing is large format! 
We just released some brand new...

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Large Format Sheet Film and 50D on IndieGoGo!

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Thanks to your support, we are well on our way to fully funding our initial goal! We want to let you all in on a little secret. CineStill 120 Medium Format isn't just about 800T, nor is it just about Medium Format. We just revealed our next two big stretch goals!

Stretch Goals Revealed

LARGE Format 4x5 Sheet Film 
Making CineStill in 120 opens up many exciting opportunities. Since it will be produced...

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CineStill 120 is BACK!

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Over the past year, we've gone back to the drawing board, created more cost effective designs, scaled down the minimum order quantities, and even made a really cool new crowdfunding film on CineStill film! We have worked hard to create a leaner and more flexible plan for CineStill 120. We are ready, with a more flexible project, so we have chosen a more flexible crowdfunding platform to give you...

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CineStill BWXX is Back in Limited Supply!

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Available now exclusively through our online shop, CineStill BWXX is back again! BWXX is a high speed, classic black & white film emulsion, with an EI of 250 under daylight and 200 under tungsten lighting. CineStill BWXX is professionally spooled into high quality 135 (Non Dx-Coded) 36 exposure Cartridges. Our second limited release of this beautiful emulsion will certainly sell out fast, so order...

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A Petzval Experiment on CineStill 800T - By Brian Ho

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Elodie / Petzval 85mm / CineStill 800T

Singapore photographer, Brian Ho, principal photographer at t​hegaleria, stands out as one of a few working professional photographers in South East Asia, known for his experimentation and creativity with film! In his most recent project, he experimented pairing Lomography's new Petzval lens in strict combination with CineStill 800T.

My Awesome Cafe / Petzval...

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A DP's Point of View - CineStill 50D & 800T by Rob Hauer

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CineStill 50Daylight

You may recognize the above image by Rob Hauer from our web site sample images of our 50Daylight emulsion. Rob was an early tester of our CineStill 50Daylight emulsion, but since then he has continued to capture beautiful images on CineStill 50D and 800T with an incredible eye for composition and light! It is really interesting to see what a director of photography does with...

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By Brandon on 2015-08-07

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Euro Exchange Rate Summer Update

After a year of incredible flux in international exchange rates, the Euro seems to have settled at a more stable exchange rate with the USD. Since the Spring, CineStill has been taking the brunt of the exchange disparity, to help ease the burden for photographers who live with the Euro currency. Unfortunately, due to rising costs of film and materials, we cannot...

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European Trade and Retail Pricing Update

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As international currency exchange rates tend to fluctuate, we are working hard to maintain an affordable retail price for CineStill film internationally. Our goal has always been to keep our product available anywhere in the world for around $9.99 USD per roll. In recent months the Euro currency has undergone some drastic changes to the benefit of European exports and dismay of imports. The Euro...

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