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BwXX Black and White Negative Film, 120 - SHORT DATED
800Tungsten High Speed Color Negative Film, 35mm
JOBO MONO B&W Film Processing Kit for 35mm
°Cs "Temperature Control System", TCS-1000 Immersion Circulator Thermostat For Mixing Chemistry and Precision Film Processing
JOBO DUO Color + B&W Film Processing Kit for 35mm & 120
Cs41 "Color Simplified" 2-Bath Kit
CS-LITE Camera Scanning Light Source
°Cs Collapsible Air Reduction Accordion Storage Bottle
50Daylight Fine Grain Color Negative Film, 120
800Tungsten High Speed Color Negative Film, 120
BwXX Black and White Negative Film, 120
BwXX Black and White Negative Film, 35mm
50Daylight Fine Grain Color Negative Film, 35mm
Cs6 "Creative Slide" DynamicChrome Kit (E-6)
D9 “DynamicChrome” Warm-tone 1st Developer
REDRUM 120 Red Scale Color Negative Film, ISO 200 120 Roll
Df96 “Developer&Fix” B&W Monobath
Filter Funnel
°Cs 1000ml Mixing Pitcher
°Cs Wide-Mouth Plastic Chemical Bottle, 1000ml
D96 B&W Motion Picture Developer, Powder Concentrate
Unisex T-Shirt
Cs41 "Color Stabilizer" Final Rinse Bath, 2oz to Make 1000ml
F96 B&W + Bleach-Bypass Rapid Fixer, Powder Concentrate