News — incandescent

CineStill 800T In Your Toolbox

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With so many choices currently available, it helps to have some understanding of when a particular film excels. Looking at CineStill 800T, it is necessary to understand where this film comes from and what it was originally designed to achieve.

CineStill 800T is produced from a Kodak motion picture emulsion originally designed for shooting in limited artificial, continuous, incandescent light. This film is known in the motion picture industry as Kodak Vision 3 5219, the 3rd generation of tungsten balanced EI 500 color negative motion picture film, and is the standard for movies shot on film in Hollywood. 5219, or "19" as it is commonly referred to, is optimized for a hybrid workflow, ideal for scanning, with literally futuristic features (from a still photography perspective)...

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Alpha 120 First Fruits - Featuring "Film Maker" Alex Medick

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All images on CineStill 800T 120 Alpha by Alex Medick

Film's best friends are the Film Makers, who not only made CineStill 120 possible, but are now making it beautiful.

Below is an excerpt from an interview with "Film Maker" Alex Medick by Chris Gampat at The Phoblographer "On Using CineStill 800T Film in the 120 Format" with some of the first images shared from our CineStill 800T 120 Alpha Film.


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Portraits and Snapshots on CineStill 800T & 50D by Marina Koslow

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CineStill 50D (left) window light, CineStill 800T (right) mixed tungsten and window light

"As a photographer who loves shooting film I am saddened to see many film stocks disappear. Its like being squeezed into a box with less and less room each year - while the film look is loved by so many wedding publications and clients alike the room to experiment and learn as an artist gets diminished with...

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COMMITMENT, PASSION, RESOLVE! - The Future of CineStill 120

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Update: We have launched a new CineStill 120 campaign on IndieGoGo! Come support, share and get a chance to become a CineStill 120 Beta Tester by following the "CineStill 120" link in the navigation!

CineStill 800Tungsten 120 Beta by Laura E. Partain

To all those who have supported, promoted and pushed our KICKSTARTER campaign for medium format, thank you! The support we have seen throughout our...

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Kickstart Medium Format CineStill Film! - The BIG announcement

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Update 2/2/16: We have launched a new CineStill 120 campaign on IndieGoGo! Come support, share and get a chance to become a CineStill 120 Beta Tester by following the "CineStill 120" link in the navigation!

Today, CineStill Film invited the analog film community to take part in the creation of a new medium format color film for still photographers!

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"Cigarettes & Coffee Porter" on 800T by Jessica Palopoli

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"I went to a blind tasting at a brewery in SF (Cellarmaker) - they brewed their "coffee and cigarettes" porter with three different types of coffee beans from local coffee roasters. Tasters had to vote for their favorite." - Jessica Palopoli

Jessica is a freelance photographer living in San Fran working a lot with local Bay Area businesses. She has been doing photography since 1993 and is very...

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