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Universal Developing Tank + 2 Film Reels
2 Reel Tank, 2 Reels Included

  • $38.49

Will be available after

Pairs Well With


  • High quality plastic film developing tank
  • Holds up to 2 35mm reels, or one 120/220 reel
  • Up to 580mL chemical capacity
  • Includes center column, 2 reels, light trap/funnel, agitator rod, and rubber lid

Product Details

Worldwide, Paterson is best known for the high quality darkroom equipment it manufactures in the UK. For nearly sixty years Paterson have specialized in the manufacture and supply of equipment for the manual processing of silver based photographic film and paper.

The Paterson Super System 4, Universal Developing Tank holds two reels set to 35mm or a single reel set to 120/220 film. It comes with two easy-to-load multi-format reels made of high quality plastic. The tank offers a choice of agitation methods: inversion agitation with the patented large rubber lid that seals the tank or rotary agitation with the removable agitator rod for simple use in a temperature control bath.

The removable funnel/light-trap works perfectly with the liquid Df96 Monobath, since it's safe to remove the light trap/funnel after the single-step solution is done processing to help pour the just-used chemistry back into the storage bottle for reuse.

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