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°Cs "Temperature Control System", TCS-1000 Immersion Circulator Thermostat For Mixing Chemistry and Precision Film Processing
°Cs 1000ml Mixing Pitcher
Filter Funnel
Universal Developing Tank + 2 Film Reels
°Cs Wide-Mouth Plastic Chemical Bottle, 1000ml
Color Negative C-41 Film Processing Kit
Chemical Storage Bottles
Scala Reversal Kit for B&W Reversal Processing
Rodinal Measuring Cylinder
SP-445 4x5 Developing Tank with Two Holders
3310 Chemical Storage Bottle Kit
1509 Roller Base
Stearman 4x5 Black and White Processing Bundle
SilverBase Rotary Processor + Alpha B&W Developing Kit
Measuring Cup, 1000mL
C-Tec 41 Color Negative Kit Rapid for 12-16 films to mix 1000 ml
CPE-3 Film Processor
SP-645 Max 4x5 Film Processing Tank 3 Holders
CPP-3 Film and Paper Processor
1500M LAB Kit Medium
4062/4072 Processor Lift
1500L LAB Kit Large
1500S LAB Kit Small
C-TEC E-6 3-bath kit for 12 films to mix 1000 ml