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800Tungsten High Speed Color Negative Film, 35mm
Motion picture film for still photographers! CINESTILL 800Tungsten is a unique color film for still photographers. This 800 speed tungsten balanced color negative film is based on the same gold standard motion picture technology used by top cinematographers around the world. Designed for difficult...
BwXX Black and White Negative Film, 35mm
A modern classic — now with DX codes! CineStill BwXX 35mm is a classic, panchromatic B&W negative film for both outdoor and studio use. It has a variable base sensitivity of ISO 250 under daylight (5500K) and ISO 200 under tungsten lighting (3200K), and can...
50Daylight Fine Grain Color Negative Film, 35mm
The world’s sharpest and finest grain color negative film! CINESTILL 50Daylight is an EI 50/18° speed daylight balanced (5500K) color negative motion picture film stock for still photography. Based on the original motion picture emulsion, this film is prepped and rolled for clean and safe standard...