News — ISO 800
The Film Show - Jan Scholz "The Final Beta Test"
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Some more results of CineStillFilm 800Tungsten by Jan Scholz on The Framed Network's Film Show in Las Vegas. All processed normal C-41, and untouched scans straight from the Frontier scanner.
All five hosts had to shoot ambient light portraits under the extreme conditions of the Las Vegas strip. These beta rolls were all hand spliced into used 135 canisters, and no one really had much of an idea...
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CineStill International - Now available around the world!
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CineStill 800Tungsten is now being distributed internationally by the amazing analog resource in the USA, Freestyle Photographic Supplies, with prompt and affordable shipping!
Above are internationally renown photographers, Ryan Muirhead (USA) and Jan Scholz (Belgium). For those folks in the Eastern Hemisphere, CineStill 800T can also be purchased from the fine folks at FotoImpex in Germany. :-)
Above are internationally renown photographers, Ryan Muirhead (USA) and Jan Scholz (Belgium). For those folks in the Eastern Hemisphere, CineStill 800T can also be purchased from the fine folks at FotoImpex in Germany. :-)
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CineStill Wedding'ISH! - Fine Art Weddings by Reg Campbell in low light
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"Finally a 35mm film I can shoot in low light and not have to worry about muddy shadows and weird color casts.
CineStill is the ISH!" -Reg Campbell
Photography by Reg Campbell
Processed and scanned by Photo Vision in Oregon, on a Fuji Frontier.
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Synchronized film speed exposure test - Fujifilm Pro400H | Fujifilm Superia 800 | Kodak Portra 800 | CineStill 800Tungsten
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We wanted to do a real world test of the best ISO rating of CineStill in Tungsten light. So we built a rig that synchronized 4 Nikon cameras with 50mm lenses on them, in order to test 4 great film stocks rated at different ISO's. Though CineStill is natively an EI500 film, we expected it to to prove comparable to an ISO800 film in low light. As a low end control we also threw in a roll of...