News — C-41
What Makes 800T the Original and Only True 800-Speed Tungsten-Balanced Film for Still Photography
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When searching for CineStill films have you come across any “brand new” color films “made by” random brands lately? Are their claims strikingly similar somehow? Have they cracked the CineStill code? No, they have not… Through thorough quality assurance, we have concluded that true 800T — utilizing our meticulous and unique production process — is the only color film that can stand behind the claim of being both 800-speed and Tungsten balanced. This article will further explain how we came to this conclusion and go into detail showing the results of our extensive testing. We are not here to be nit-picky or point fingers and name names — which might get a little confusing — but some names may sound familiar to you by now. Those “800T” imitations and “400D” generics (repurposed from existing 500-speed or 250-speed motion picture film, respectively) are not representative of the original motion picture film’s quality nor the performance of CineStill films’ sensitivity and color fidelity. Although they may replicate the signature CineStill red halation glow, they are only somewhat comparable to expired film, in that they appear age fogged with shifted color-balance and exhibit a slower effective film-speed (200-400 ISO at best) resulting in a film not suitable for proposed use, let alone low-light photography; that is unless you like underexposed/expired film. For those looking for fresh film, we are fortunate to still have several other excellent high-speed color films available today (even with the recent unavailability of 400H and C200) — from UltraMax and Portra 400 to Lomo 800 and Portra 800 — but 800T is still the only tungsten-balanced, true 800-speed film made for still photography. Anything else, isn’t…
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CineStill Dev Days Part 3! - 50D Push Processing!
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Hi there folks!
This week, we've got something planned for all of our fine-grain loving, sun-soaking, 50D lovers out there!
Image by Ethan Gully, Shot on 50Daylight 120
#CineStillDevDays part 3 is on it's way, 5:30pm PST this Friday, April 10th on Instagram Live! But First, a hearty "Thank You" to all who tuned in last Friday! Your support means so much to us!
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New Lay-Flat Powder Chemistry, And Improved Film!
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Artist Spotlight: Maarten Groen
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We first discovered Maarten Groen on Instagram and quickly became huge fans of his stunning work. Shooting almost exclusively CineStill Film, he recently self published a book of images shot on our film!
For this spotlight, we simply asked Maarten to talk about shooting impactful still photographs alongside his work as a film director. Thank you Maarten for supporting CineStill and for being such a beautiful part of our film community!
Hi, I’m Maarten Groen and I’m an analog addict...
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Artist Spotlight: Ethan Gulley - Desert & Denim
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Medium Format CineStill 50D Pre-Sale in 120!
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Greetings fellow film makers and film shooters! It is with much excitement that we finally get to announce the Pre-Sale of CineStill 50D in medium format!
Throughout the crowdfunding campaign, it was amazing to see the support for 800T in medium format. After reaching our goal for 800T, we set our sights on bringing 50D to 120 as well. You made your support for it clear so we made it our mission to make it happen. Sadly, we fell slightly short of our stretch goal which could have secured enough funds for its own simultaneous medium format production run alongside 800T. But we remained determined to make it happen.
We built a whole new production facility, encountered many challenges and wound up doubling down, dollar for dollar, to fulfill the dream that we shared with thousands of analogue Film Makers. Following the fulfillment of the 800T 120 Alpha and finally the full retail release, we continued honing our process to a point where we could further invest in our vision to make the world's finest grain color negative film for the world's finest format!
So, without further ado, we are excited to announce that we're finally bringing 50D to the world of medium format! We’ve opened pre-orders on our store so you can be among the first to get your hands on 50D in 120 this summer!
We are continually thankful for all of the support and faith of this awesome community, and are immensely grateful that we get to bring such an exciting new film stock to the market. We’re going to love shooting it just as much as you, and we can’t wait to throw a roll in our cameras!

Click the link, preorder, and be the first to shoot Cinestill 50D in 120!
Stay golden film shooters, the renaissance is still silver!
Your Film Family,
Cinestill Inc.
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Prerelease of 120 800T for Retail!
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CineStill in MEDIUM FORMAT is here!!!
Be among the first to get your 800T 120 by preordering here. Supplies are limited, so order now before...
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Guten Tag aus Deutschland
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